Progress update

Hi guys! Thought I'd try and use the devlog on this side as well for this small progress update.

EP I is off to beta readers as of yesterday! ๐ŸŽ‰ It's taken me a good while for sure, but I'm so excited to have wrapped it up finally!! I'm still adding small things and tweaking stats, but overall the first part is like, 98% done and ready lol. I'm having some issues figuring out why some minor parts of the code don't seem to execute like it should on Chrome - it's not unplayable, thankfully, but you know. It's annoying lmao

I'm also super stoked to move on to drafting EP II where stuff really starts to happen. The first ep is still more linear and might I say more "book book-like" since the foundation for the story needs to be set up, but I'm quite liking how it turned out ๐ŸŒž The pilot also went through hefty editing and re-writing, so you will need to play from the start

(Next up just general ponderings of mine I've had writing and planning this story โœŒ๐Ÿฝ)

The more I thought about it and wrote, I'm very glad to not have made PC a blank slate character or personality-customizable. It fits the purpose and themes of the story (that hopefully will become clear to the readers sooner than later, as well, heh), and I've noticed through my friends helping me out that people still interpret PC's personality in wildly different ways though you can't control it directly yourself. It's been extremely fascinating to see, and I can't wait to hear how you guys see and fit this given personality with the OCs you play with

You'll also be meeting the rest of the main cast (Harlan and Santana) which I'm really excited about!! And as one might expect, Maddox is very much present as well lol. I want readers to get a grasp on them (meaning Maddox) and what they're like since they're what I'd call a bit of a wildcard, and you'll be seeing them a lot. I'm a little wary about how they'll be received going forward and if people get what the purpose of their character really is - but without going into it, I'm sure they'll raise a lot of different kinds of feelings, both good and bad, which is of course what they're meant to do. The same can be said about Harlan and Santana as well but I think it's more prominent with Maddox, at least in the beginning. There's so much I could blab on about this but I think it's safest to cut it here for now lest I end up spoiling the entire thing for you guys lmao

Anyway! Update coming up sometime next week! Catch you guys then ๐Ÿ’–

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