Sit, smile, eat. Leave everything to Maddox, nod along, play along. Don't worry about anything else.

The intimate dining room feels suffocating, the only thing going round in your head the only one that shouldn't, because fuck if it doesn't make you dizzy and antsy and just all around ill at ease, and all these people—these politicians, doctors, the deputy fucking mayor of Adafield—with their hollow smiles and even emptier words just drive you further towards what you think is the edge of losing your mind.

They don't know, you think as your gaze slides over the opposite side of the oaken table. They don't have the faintest idea what is going to happen to them.

...Because you are what is going to happen to them.

REDSUGARSOCIETY is a relationship-driven interactive story in development where you join forces with a former crime lord gone good and the deputy mayor's child, to put an end to the grand scheme of the corrupted elite in the city of Adafield, all the while trying to keep your co-worker slash babysitter breathing down your neck at bay.

One of them might die. Another might betray you. It is your choices that will determine what happens.

Please note that the story is meant for an 18+ audience only!


  • PC with a semi-set personality and customizable appearance. The choices you make throughout the story will not affect the PC’s core personality, but you have the power to choose how they handle the arising situations.
  • Three (3) romanceable-for-all love interests. Turn your fake spouse with criminal tendencies into a real partner, find love under impossible circumstances with the kid of a politician, or make your babysitting co-worker worry about something entirely else than the success of your gig.
  • A handful of possible endings, including bad ones, all of them depending on the choices you make throughout.
  • Keep up the appearances with your partners in crime, all the while taking care of the Red Sugar Society on the down-low...
  • ...but don’t forget to enjoy yourself, and all the finer things in life. You only get to infiltrate the rotten creme de la creme once in your life, after all.
  • TL;DR: Fake date. Fall in love. Murder. Party. Rinse and repeat.


  • Sexually suggestive content (subject to change; optional)/mentions and/or discussion of sex
  • Explicit violence
  • (Fictional) drugs
  • Strong language
  • Murder
  • Unhealthy relationship(s)
  • Character death(s)
  • Govt. corruption
  • Alcohol, smoking
  • Unreliable narrator

Game development blog: REDSUGARSOCIETY (Tumblr)

Reporting bugs and typos: Riotdevs (Tumblr)
Direct messages are preferred, but reports via ask are also more than OK.

For the game to work as intended and the best reading experience, I strongly recommend using Firefox.

ART BY quietsphere


Stat and UI fixes. Project on hold.

Stat and UI fixes.

EPISODE I posted.

Updated UI.

PILOT posted.

StatusOn hold
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(255 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsRomance, Text based

Development log


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 ahh Crow I need him bad I wanna know more about him and see his route. I really hope the story continues I'm already thoroughly invested!


And maybe Maddox is overrated and Santana blablabla, but can't I be in both teams?? 😭😭

MADDOXXXXDBHVWJWBJBWJWWN I like that the MC and Maddox we're already something like troublemakers in highschool(?) Like- that makes things 100% more fun HAJSQKHS

Aaaandd, I know this is now a project on hold, but if it ever have a update, I'll be like flash to se it 😭

Awww, Santana is actually sweet and adorable. Looking forward to more interactions with them, with some hints of Maddox angst after interacting with Santana more maybe? Oooof if ever.


Okay, so this game was SO fun. And Maddox is WAY overrated. Team Santana ftw


I just finished the prologue and the first chapter, and I'm already hooked! The character building you've with the content provided was really enjoyable and I can't wait to get to know the characters more! I am aware that the story has been put on hold so I won't ask about when you will be releasing more episodes because I write too and life happen. I just hope that you continue this story whenever you get the chance as it was really fun and engaging to read! <3


is it still on development?


the project is on hold for the time being ♥


the character building is absolutely amazing, and i'm actually rocking on my heels for the next update. lovely, keep up the good work!


I really enjoy your game—I played it for the first time last Feb—but please give us the ability to turn off the script font entirely. I don't want the script font anywhere, in any place, for any text. I play on mobile and having the script font on menus and choices is too much. It's incredibly difficult to read and actively lessens my enjoyment. 


hi there, thank you for reading and the feedback! I can certainly try and roll out a UI update sometime over the summer :)

love it so far !!


maddox all the way bro


Santana is just heart like she adorable, I love the writing, great book author


team maddox all the way cant wait for more :)

Amazing i usually don't go for choices type games but you took the cake love this


Loving this so far. The story is very well written and seems well thought out. Can't wait for episode 2! 

The only issue I had was sometimes I would not be able to scroll to the bottom of the page making it difficult to progress.


Oh I'm going to marry Maddox. These lads are so well written and I'm so desperately gay. I'll be honest, I am not fast enough to figure out the plot too well, but I do in fact love it and it's So good and I love being the perfect pair to Maddox. They're so charming when they're not being a monster, and honestly the latter is great too. So I'm in.


maddox is such an ass im fucking smitten omg


Can't wait for the next episodeee!

Who actually is MC in this game? Some agent, cop... detective?


The PC is a hitman :)


Wow! The characters are so interesting and versatile and the mc has a perfect balance of set character and chosen one. Can't wait for more!

Thank you so much! So glad to hear you enjoyed it <3

This was amazing! I can't wait for more.


woahh this was great... i love how rounded all the love interests are

the writing is amazing and the ui looks great!!

AAA i loved this


Especially the UI!

Can't wait to read more!

Looks like I've found my new obsession!

chapter 1 was EVERYTHING! So excited for more!

Thank you!! <3

Loved the story, can't wait to see more (especially of Crow).

For some reason I can't get access to the menu.

Hi there! So glad you liked the update!

Can you please tell me if you were playing on desktop or mobile, and the browser you were using?

I have the same problem too. I use mobile and Google chrome browser 🤔

(1 edit)

Hmm, that's odd. I've tested the game mostly on mobile/Chrome, and I haven't had problems accessing the menu. I'll look into it!

Edit: does the top banner where the menu button is work otherwise for you (you can see it, the menu icon shows up, etc)?

(1 edit)

I'm playing on desktop, and it was Google.

*Edit: On my case it's I can't seem to click the top banner and I don't think I saw any menu icon either.

Hi there! I've been trying to find what would cause this, but unfortunately, I just can't figure out what it could be. :( If it's possible for you, I'd try to run the game on another browser and see if the issue persists. ❤


I loved this first episode!! I'm excited to see what you do next! :DDD

Glad you loved it! Thanks for reading! <3


I love this!! can't wait for more update, and more Maddox since I'm already intrigued by them <3


i got first confused over this Santana Vanhoudt , hes a character ? but this story is not done yet, how could YoU spoile us a character we know nothing abt! this is so mean yet so 'Fucking' thrilling.   (in means no harm,) (Your welcome).

is there more on your tumbler or is that just spoilers?

Hi, thanks for reading! I give small updates on Tumblr from time to time and answer some non-spoiler questions readers might have about the characters. I sometimes post very short snippets from future updates as well, but they're tagged as spoilers, so if you're a registered user, you should be able to filter those so you don't see them.


Thought I saw that it's been updated, then I saw it wasn't, only the UI was. So now i'm sad. Looks great though! I'm still learning how to use Twine and it's a slow process. Even so, I don't think I could ever master it the way you have. The UI is beautiful and easy to use. ^_^

Glad the UI is pleasant and working (and sorry for the disappointment lol)! 😁


This seems like an interesting IF as someone who likes to read/watch thriller stuff. Way shorter than I expected but I'm liking it so far and Maddox? They got me fanning myself a bit, can't wait to meet the other characters and see what they bring to the table.


Would be nice if we could chose the gender of Maddox also instead of strictly NB.


Thank you for your input, but Maddox is and will remain set non-binary, as it is part of who they are as a character.

okay interesting so far

I’m intrigued. I look forward to exploring more of the story and characters. Can’t wait! :)

Thank you :)

I'm only a few pages in, and it already looks so amazing...I almost don't wanna continue until more is done since I'm not looking forward to that inevitable cliffhanger, but I don't wanna stop reading either because I'm already attached to the story....


*fidgets* ......


*sighs and continues to read* Dammit. 

(I can't help it, it's worth it). Thank you for writing this, I love it! ^_^ I just really hope you don't give up on it. Q.Q

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the demo :)

I can't move to the next page because no matter how far i scroll down the very end is cut off :( I can do it from the first page with maddox, but the end of the line is cut off and then the next page i can't move on because the end is cut off

Hi! Can you tell me if you're playing on mobile or desktop (and if on desktop, what browser are you using)?

You can try to toggle on full screen by pressing F11 - that has seemed to work for some readers with the same issue.

I am on desktop and pressing f11 does the trick, thank you!

This seems like an interesting game so far. Love it already!

Thank you!